Amitav Ghosh

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India | 2002

Amitav Ghosh was born in Calcutta is one of the most widely known Indian authors writing in English today. His books include In An Antique Land, Dancing in Cambodia, The Calcutta Chromosome, and most recently, The Glass Palace. He is a contributor to The New Yorker and is currently Distinguished Professor in the Dept. of Comparative Literature at Queens College in New York.




Report 2002

I went to stay at the Santa Maddalena Foundation in June 2002, hoping to make a start on a novel. I had never been to a writer’s retreat before and did not know quite what to expect.

I had heard much about the Foundation and the premises certainly lived up to their reputation. My rooms were on the top two floors of the tower and I had a spectacular view of the Sieve valley. The upper room in particular was splendidly appointed and the views were magnificent. The desk was the grandest I’ve ever worked on and it will remain forever a cherished memory.

One respect in which I was very fortunate was in meeting Gabriella de Ferrari and Verlyn Klinkenborg. I shall remain forever grateful to the Baronessa von Rezzori for introducing me to these two wonderful writers.

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