Anna Pavord

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UK | 2002

Anna Pavord is the author of the internationally acclaimed bestseller,The Tulip. She is the gardening correspondent for the Independent, a contributor to the Observer and an associate editor of Gardens Illustrated. She lives in London.





Report 2002

Santa Maddalena was the first writers’ retreat I have stayed in so, unlike the other writers, I have no standards of comparison. I was delighted to have your invitation and be given the chance to concentrate on my book for
Almost six weeks. Nothing like that has ever been possible before.

Your style is inimitable and makes Santa Maddalena very personal, unforgettable. I loved being drawn, just fleetingly, into the life you lead there and meeting your friends.

It was very important for me to be in Italy for this new book, much more important than I realized before I arrived with you. I am very grateful to you for giving me the chance to immerse myself in the landscape, walk through the fields and vineyards, study in Florence, look, listen and learn. I will not forget my time with you. You opened doors I did not know were there. Thank you.

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