Alan Pauls

Argentina | 2013 Alan Pauls (Buenos Aires, 1959) is an author, journalist, script writer and cinema critic. He won the prestigious Premio Herralde with his novel El Pasado, translated into more [...]


Sylvain Tesson

France | 2012 Sylvain Tesson (born in Paris in 1972) is a geographer, journalist and writer. Member of the Société des Explorateurs Français, he divides his time between long expeditions, writing [...]


Majo Ramìrez

Mexico | 2012 Majo Ramírez was born in Mexico in 1982. She is a young writer and an illustrator of several publications. In 2011 she won the Aura Estrada Prize, awarded biannually to a female [...]


Teju Cole

USA/Nigeria | 2012 Teju Cole (born in the United States in 1975) is a Nigerian-American writer, photographer and art historian. Distinguished Writer in Residence at Bard College, he is the author [...]